A large part of my academic workflow is centered around Latex and Bibtex. Wordpress was not exactly ideal for that, even tho there are a few alternatives. With the move to Jekyll however, the Jekyll-scholar project provides excellent support for both bibliographies and using citation in general posts. My previous experiences with setting up mostly RoR installations helped a little, but setting this up still took much longer then I care to admit. I will elaborate the way I generate this in another post but let’s just say that Windows still isn’t my favorite operating system.
Add to following to /Gemfile
gem 'jekyll-scholar'
gem 'bibtex-ruby'
gem 'citeproc-ruby'
gem 'csl-styles'
Then add these lines to /_config.yml
style: apa
locale: en
sort_by: none
order: ascending
source: ./_bibliography
bibliography: references.bib
bibliography_template: "{{reference}}"
replace_strings: true
join_strings: true
details_dir: bibliography
details_layout: bibtex.html
details_link: Details
query: "@*"
We then place our bibliography file in the ./_bibliography directory as we specified above. With the bib file in place, we can now call upon the references within it to print out a bibliography. In my case I wanted them sorted by year, which is achieved by querying for each year as follows:
bibliography --query @*[year=2014]